Bishop Richard Allen Postage Stamp


The Postal Service Celebrates Black History Month Issuing a Forever Stamp Honoring Richard Allen,

Founder of the African Methodist Episcopal Church

Marks the 39th Stamp in the Black Heritage Series



Black Heritage: Richard Allen

Preacher, activist, and civic leader Richard Allen (1760–1831) was an inspiring figure whose life and work resonate profoundly in American history. This stamp coincides with the 200th anniversary of Allen’s founding of the African Methodist Episcopal (AME) Church, one of the most important institutions in African-American life, as well as his election as its first bishop.

The stamp art is a portrait of Allen, a detail from an 1876 print titled “Bishops of the A.M.E. Church.” Featuring Allen in the center surrounded by ten other bishops and six historical vignettes, the print is from the collection of the Library Company of Philadelphia. The noon ET Feb. 2 First-Day-of-Issue ceremony will take place at the Mother Bethel A.M.E. Church in Philadelphia.

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